Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary..."

I asked my daughter, who is in the fifth grade, "From what country did this nation declare independence?" You know what? She doesn't know. "Mexico?" she replied. Mexico? Granted, she knows Texas history well, but Mexico?! It is becoming clear to me that the school system is failing her. She is a straight 'A' student! She is one of the top readers and competes in academic UIL events. If she doesn't know this simple and important historical fact how is that reflecting on her school experience? More important even than the failure of the education system, I have failed her. I can no longer assume she is receiving an education just because I send her to school. I'm certain the problem is not isolated to this town or her school. I have been a college student for the better part of the last eleven years. I've heard my fair share of papers written by university students that make no sense at all. Listening to some of these presentations has been like watching a child lost in a forest, meandering aimlessly hoping to find a trail that may not actually exist. I hear words, not sentences and certainly not thoughts. I have seen college students struggle with simple concepts, like '6: 25:: 12: x'. Why is x so elusive to so many? Sad. Well, I am resolved to remedy this situation as far as my daughter is concerned. The education system may be failing her but I certainly will not. Update: In the time I have written this she has informed me that it was indeed Britain. There is hope for the future generation yet.


  1. what the heck is x? 49? omg, i've turned into one of them. actually, i've always been bad with x when it's attached to numbers, but put it in xylophone or extraordinary and I'm great with it.

  2. 12 is 6x2 so 25x2 is 50 so x is 50. Its ok, you are certainly extraordinary.

  3. Ah yes. In fact, I may or may not be one of those poor lowly college students who has written her fair share of poor and sad college essays. ACK. Making the words go together to form sentences and make sense of it all.... all aboard the failtrain! Chuck chuck choo choo!!

  4. I don't know what you are talking about; you are a fantastic writer. :) on the chuck chuck choo choo, though.
