Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Just Some Things

So, this working thing I do is really affecting my blogging life.  If only I could secure some kind of pay for sitting in front of a computer all day...wait...never mind. (Insert lol.)  Anyways, there are times when I'm all like, "Geez, I would really like to blog today and then I get home from work, have these three kids, life, laundry, on and on...  But, despite it all, today I am posting.
So, here are a few things going on in my life:
Work:  (Edited)
Home:  My kids are great, new house, plenty to do.  Good there.
Things I have wanted to blog about lately:
1. I was at my son's soccer game; (yep, I'm a soccer mom,) and behind me there was this family, a mom, a dad figure, and a teenage girl.  The girl, evidently, is a cheerleader. She was all like, "OMG I am sooo white and I need a tan."  Then the mom was like, "Yes, you do and I'm not paying for tanning! You better sit your butt outside all summer!"  What?!?  Here is what I heard: 'Mom, I feel bad about my body  image.'  'You're right daughter, you look terrible. You need to increase your chance of getting skin cancer to look acceptable.'  I did not say anything.
2. Parking:  Is it really so difficult?  I mean, there are these white or yellow lines...

3. Fake people:  I am surrounded by them on a daily basis.  Just be honest.  Most people can handle it.  You don't have to pretend to like me.  I don't even pretend to like me.  C'mon, is it so hard to say what you feel?  (I apologize if that song just popped into your head:  "I wanna see you be brave.")  No one is perfect. I can appreciate that. Please don't pretend to be something you're not.  If you're not nice, just be mean.  If you're not confident, it's ok to ask for help.  If you know you're right, say so.  If you're not competent, please don't pretend. (In my field, that's how people die.  I'm just saying.)

4. Ungratefulness:  Here's the thing about this.  I have been so frustrated lately with people being ungrateful.  If someone helps you, say thank you.  Going to complain that someone does not help you when they clearly do is horrible!  You know who you are!!  It's only when something is gone that people truly appreciate what they had. 

5.Laziness:  It is NOT too much to expect someone to do their job. Period. (I know I typed a period after that first sentence there but I still felt the need to type out the word period, too; just for added emphasis.  On that note, that's all I have to say about that. Period.)

Having said all that, I want to say that I, too, am ungrateful. I owe so much to God and I am not focused on that most times.  The major difference is that instead of responding with frustration to my ungratefulness, He responds with love and grace.  This is something for me to think about.  It's like my dad said, "You can not change people. You can only change your reaction to them."  On this I ponder.  Thanks for reading.