Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ah, I should be studying. Pharmacology is very exciting but I think I've reached my current capacity. I will learn more; it's an ever changing world, but not tonight. I thought, "I think I'll post to my blog." Only problem is, I have nothing in particular to talk about. I mean, sure, I could talk about Phenytoin, which is metabolized hepatically or Bactrim, which causes photosensitivity. But who cares? (Well, I can think of about seventy people who might.)
I could talk about the fact that I am sooo ready to graduate. It's been really hard. Honestly, I went to nursing school on a whim. I thought, well, my prerequisites are about to expire's now or never. Funny thing now; I'm about to be responsible for peoples' lives...
A family member of mine had surgery today and I am truly grateful that he is doing well now.
My daughter needs prayers. Her headaches are still a mystery. Someone told her today that if she believed in Jesus he would heal her. I'm not sure what I think of that. So, next time she has a headache does it mean she doesn't believe in Jesus?
I should be studying right now.


  1. I didn't know that Ilana has trouble with headaches. I'm so sorry! Riley had the same trouble and we eventually narrowed it down to two culprits. One, she needed glasses. Two, she needed a chiropractic adjustment. The headaches are only on rare occasions now, instead of every day. I hope you guys find a solution for Ilana soon!

  2. Haven't thought about chiropracty. She already saw the optometrist; perfect vision. I missed you on Wednesday.
