Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm Back

Sooo, I haven't blogged in a good long while.  I miss it.  I was reading some of my old posts the other day and it made me miss writing. Writing, in general.  I used to have such passion for writing.  I have written very intelligent things.  Not necessarily here, in this blog, but in other places I have penned brilliant things.  I'm not sure what has happened.  Please forgive me for the hodge podge rambling this post is turning out to be.  Hmmm, hodge podge is not a phrase spell check recognizes.  Spell check must not be from west Texas.  Is hodge podge actually a phrase or am I making stuff up?  It is really late right now and I worked all day so I'm just leaving it there.  I typed it three times and it is underlined with a red squiggly line each time.  As it turns out, squiggly is a word. Go figure.  Anyways, the point of this post is to re-initiate myself to sitting down in front of the computer  and typing my thoughts; they're just not very deep at this moment.  So, I'm back.  That's about all I have to say tonight.

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