Tuesday, February 8, 2011

End of Twenties Crisis?

Am I having some sort of crisis? I can't decide what I want out of life. I want to be a nurse and I have this plan to earn a masters in nursing. Is that really what I want? Why can't I just work at a doctor's office? What's wrong with that? Nothing, really. Is that what I want? What do I want? I know what I want: I want a masters in Biblical interpretation. Can I have that? Does that fit into my life? Is it even important what I want anymore? Is there a point in life when you're too old to be concerned with what you want? Was it ever important at all? Do I sound extremely selfish right now with all this "I" talk?
I think it matters because I'm making future plans right now. Should I apply for the graduate nursing program. My reasons for wanting to do so are sound. I feel I would have more and greater advancement opportunity in my future profession. That's a really good reason isn't it? However, is it the right decision for me? Not too long ago I was sure it was.
My daughter is eleven. She will be in college in seven years. This should be my focus right now. What exactly that means, I'm not sure. Would it be better for her if I earned a masters in nursing?
I'm nearly thirty years old. Perhaps my time for learning has passed. I don't really mean that. I just mean that perhaps my days as a student are over. Am I holding on to hopes of graduate education for the right reasons? Should I let go? I just don't know.
What is going on in my head right now? I don't even know who I am at this point in my life. I need some clarity...

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you get the direction you need soon, friend. ((hugs))

