Sunday, February 20, 2011

We Believe That We Shall Also Live With Him

I'm sorry, what were you saying? I cannot hear you because I am analyzing your theology.
Will it always be this way? I am forever ruined to the beauty I used to find in a sermon? Yes, yes, yes, salvation. Right. Well that is a very good exposition on the doctrine of justification. But, where is the participation? I can't hear anything else you say now because I am completely caught on this half definition of salvation. Is "church" completely ruined for me now? Could you imagine if I attended Sunday school? That would certainly be interesting...
I can't listen to Christian music the way i used to either. I can't do the 'oh wait til heaven' stuff. Earth is terrible and this life is horrid but in heaven everything will be great. Alright, but isn't that kind of missing the entire point of serving Christ? Which part of life abundant means death? I don't understand. Well I do but I'm being facetious. I just feel like participation, concerning salvation is mostly overlooked in Christian music. Contemporary Christian music, anyways.
So, would everyone who wishes to talk about God please include all of salvation in their discussion before talking to, singing to, preaching to me? I'm kidding but it would be nice.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Perfection of Nothing

A blank page with a blinking cursor; such a sign of hope. This page can be anything. This page could be nothing. Something of great significance or merely a passing moment between reader and writer. I could fill it with anything, a journey, a moment, a struggle. I could convey my life or perhaps some other life; who knows. Do I even know? I could be honest or intentionally deceitful, all is fair in writing. Do I even know the difference? Do you?
There is much hope in a blank page. There is great beauty in an uncommitted space. It can still be anything. The possibilities are limitless. It is still like a child, full of hope and untainted by the cruelty of the world. It is still free. An unspoken thought or idea holds much potential. It can change the world. It is still full of hope, uncriticized, unmocked. It has no bounds, no limits. It is not confined within our frameworks, with our words.
Perhaps the words that will fill this page will change me. I am changing now, writing these words, filling this page. Manifesting that which was not. I am a creator. I am the lord of this space, these thoughts, this potential. You are changing, too. Can you feel it? Do you feel the potential? You can create, as well. Create your own world within these words. Your potential is unhindered. What is it to you? Who are you to it? These things are one in the same. You have joined me on this journey. You are with me in this moment. Are you struggling with me, as well?
Here we are in this moment, creating a world within words. The power of the potential is intoxicating. Emotions run free. The idea is alive, still unspoken, still unwritten. We carry it together. It is created between us. I relish this moment, unhindered, unchained. It is still nothing, anything, everything. I begin the moment where I end it, in the beginning. I struggle, I write, I am.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

End of Twenties Crisis?

Am I having some sort of crisis? I can't decide what I want out of life. I want to be a nurse and I have this plan to earn a masters in nursing. Is that really what I want? Why can't I just work at a doctor's office? What's wrong with that? Nothing, really. Is that what I want? What do I want? I know what I want: I want a masters in Biblical interpretation. Can I have that? Does that fit into my life? Is it even important what I want anymore? Is there a point in life when you're too old to be concerned with what you want? Was it ever important at all? Do I sound extremely selfish right now with all this "I" talk?
I think it matters because I'm making future plans right now. Should I apply for the graduate nursing program. My reasons for wanting to do so are sound. I feel I would have more and greater advancement opportunity in my future profession. That's a really good reason isn't it? However, is it the right decision for me? Not too long ago I was sure it was.
My daughter is eleven. She will be in college in seven years. This should be my focus right now. What exactly that means, I'm not sure. Would it be better for her if I earned a masters in nursing?
I'm nearly thirty years old. Perhaps my time for learning has passed. I don't really mean that. I just mean that perhaps my days as a student are over. Am I holding on to hopes of graduate education for the right reasons? Should I let go? I just don't know.
What is going on in my head right now? I don't even know who I am at this point in my life. I need some clarity...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

People Helped

I'd be willing to bet that not too many people in Minnesota or Wisconsin drive Mustangs. You want to know why I think that?
This morning I dropped off my daughter at school and made it not half a block and found my car snowbound. This experience was, initially, really scary. My fear was quickly replaced by embarrassment. 'Hey look at me. The idiot with the snow-banked Mustang.' Seriously though, Mustangs are not designed for snow driving. Oh, I learned something new today: It is near impossible to 'rock' a standard out of snow. I did not know that. So, I'm sitting there in my car wondering how I'm going to fix this, wondering how I'm going to make it to school on time and this really interesting thing started happening.
People helped me. And not just a few. People, none of whom I knew, helped me. There was a lady and her teen-aged daughter who helped another man try to push my car back. There was the man who tried to talk me through rocking my car out of the snow. Then there was the volunteer fireman and his passenger who pulled up behind me, put his fireman lights on, hooked my car up to some cables and pulled my car out with his truck. Amazing.
The goodness of humanity never ceases to amaze me. It was cold, -2 degrees with a windchill in the -20's. It was snowing. Nevertheless, people helped. Thank you God for creating such goodness when you created man.