Monday, October 25, 2010

Is This a Good Time?

You know, I've noticed something. It's an interesting phenomenon in Christianity that has slipped my attention until recently. We have this idea that he who prays earliest prays best. You know what I mean; if I get up at six and pray for an hour that's way better than praying an hour in the middle of the day. That's funny, isn't it? It makes sense to honor the early prayer just like we honor the early riser, I suppose. It certainly is a value in our culture. You've all heard the sayings: The early bird gets the worm and early to bed, early to rise makes a man...something good I think. We naturally carry our cultural values into the religious realm but this is amusing to me. Do we really think that God pays better attention in the morning? Is there a better time than others to catch Him to ask something? Just when is the God who created time and space, and naturally exists with or without it, more apt to hear my prayer? Is this like when you're a little child and you wait until your dad is comfortable on the sofa after work to ask about that new toy you want? Is his presence like the car dealership, where the first fifty customers get a free prize? Hurry, offer ends soon...
Perhaps we think that getting up early to pray is a better sacrifice because we also value sleep. (When I'm up before five tomorrow morning I should rehash the value of sleep; only I'll be to sleepy to think clearly about anything.) So, perhaps we feel that the value of the early prayer is in the sacrifice of something valuable. (Reciprocity=yuck.) Well, I also value cleaning so if I give up an hour of that for prayer perhaps God will honor my sacrifice...
And why do we feel like God should be honoring our sacrifices, anyways. I'm not saying He doesn't, but who am I to expect it? I mean, I am certain my time would be better spent honoring His sacrifice. Perhaps I should pray about this; I just hope I catch God at a convenient time.

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