Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So, if 'A' is 'B', then is 'B' 'A'?

So, I have decided to start a new blog. This one will be different from the other that I have, in that this will be a collection of thoughts that I have. My aim is to honestly share. (I may inadvertently reveal how scattered my thoughts can be.)
I'll start right away. I am sitting in class right now. Perhaps blogging is not the wisest use of my time right now but it beats sleeping. All be it that TCA antidepressants is very interesting. Does anyone know what TCA stands for? Also, why is consuming alcohol while taking Cialis funny?
Here is something that really bothers me: stupid questions. I know what you're thinking; there is no such thing as a stupid question. I beg to differ. A question that repeats what the instructor just said is stupid. A quizzical tone at the end of a statement does not a question make, but it does waste time in class.
Overdose in tricyclic antidepressants is evidenced by sedation and orthostatic hypotension. Hopefully that will be a test question because I caught that.


  1. I'm happy that you started a new blog. It'll be good for you, instead of writing those essay-esque journal entries that are anything but theraputic (I can imagine).

    Let the urge to write an opening paragraph go. Stretch out and relax as you forgo the thesis statement and skip right to the meat. Don't forget to breathe as your sentences clash and your thoughts fail to mesh cohesively together. Feel your tension leave your body as you calmly and collectively avoid a conclusion paragraph. There. Feels better doesn't it?

  2. Thank you. I will try and since I am trying to blog every day, I may not always suceed.
