Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Would TiVo That

I am sooo ready for this election to be over with!  Who else is tired of all the empty rhetoric and ugliness?  I watched both of the debates that have taken place and I was thinking that there has to be a better way.  One of the networks was advertising the last debate by announcing the style of the debate and the presence of "fact-checkers."  This was interesting to me.  I think I could make the debates much better.  I think the "fact-checkers" should be like the ones on Jeopardy.  You ever notice how on point those guys are?  As soon as a contestant answers, by the next couple questions they come back and say that answer is also acceptable or not quite right or whatever.  Let's have it like that at the debates.  Let's have the candidates stand up behind podiums that light up green or red. 
"So Mr. Romney, is it true that you actually support all of the proposed immigration laws in Arizona?"
"Well, not all of them, just the ones that are not too extreme for this bipartisan audience in front of me."
Long dramatic pause with music like on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.  Bum bum...bum bum...heartbeat undertones behind the woman's voice:  "That answer is...false."  The podium turns red.  Wouldn't that be more interesting and memorable?  Wouldn't more people watch?  Just the facts man, just the facts.  None of that rambling on and on and on...  Cut the mics if they venture beyond the yes or no response.  No skirting the questions.  Are they truthful or not?  That's all we need.  If that were the case all of the questions those "undecided voters" had would have been answered. 
It's a dream world I'm living in, I know.  I'm just saying.  Also, wouldn't it be cool if after, say, ten or or so wrong answers the floor just drops out from under the candidate like on Ellen?